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The Black Book By Uli Stein In E: How a German Illustrator Created a Masterpiece of Black Humor

Werner is the most successful German comic, with more than 10 million books and even more tickets for the movies sold. Created by Rötger Feldmann a.k.a. Brösel, it started in 1981 as an underground comic, but after the Porsche vs. Horex race in Hartenholm in 1988 and even more after the premiere of the first movie, Werner - Beinhart!, it entered the mainstream.

The Black Book By Uli Stein In E

Werner is a guy from northern Germany who particularly likes two things: beer and heavily customized motorbikes. The movies display him as a plumber apprentice, as does the flashback-like Lehrjahre sind keine Herrenjahre series in some of the books, the first book also shows him in several other jobs which he keeps messing up, often deliberately, and otherwise unemployed and enjoying it. He keeps clashing with governmental agencies, especially with the police, usually represented by the two village cops Bruno and Helmut. In earlier books, he is sometimes seen in company of Ölfuß (based on the real-life motorbike customizer who built the Red Porsche Killer later on), and from the fifth book on, his most frequent companion is his brother Andi (based on Brösel's real-life brother Andi who is also Andi's voice actor in the movies), and he also often meets the bikers from the MC Kläppstuhl since then.

Mr. Fogel is CEO and Co-Principal of Westwood Financial Corporation which he founded in 1967. Westwood Financial Corporation owns and operates over 100 shopping centers located throughout the United States.Mr. Fogel has is a past president of Stephen S. Wise Temple and is the past chairman of the California Arts Council. He is the author of three books, The Yes I Can Guide to Mastering Real Estate, Your Mind Is Not Always Your Friend and The Mind Is What the Brain Does for a Living.Mr. Fogel is an oil color artist with over 50 portraits in private collections. His works have been displayed in public exhibitions. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree with a business specialization from the University of Southern California. He also attended the Graduate School of Business of the University of California.

Book descriptions consist of: author, title, publisher, place and year of publication, number of pages, original price; followed by a brief summary of the contents.All listed books are available in the IISH library.

Hiq I iunjJi jbiii I tI T tj l l 1J 1j r J IL LJJ 7If6 THE SUN SUNDAY DECEMBER 23 1894TLTNX WAS LAST or ttlf KINDThere Are No Lar Polttlelems WAre Kligs of Their WardsThe death of Alderman fiojer Flynn rmores from the Held of local politic a stalwartI not Impressive figure and ends the carr oftbe last of the local politicians popular In theirparticular distrIct of this tw In other daymen Influential In publlo affair or U officeholder enjoyed their chief popularityamong their Immediate neighbors Nominations lo publlo omce were made bal parties with reference t the question of locality Each ward had Itsparticular favorite and Bojer Flynn was forman rean the chief favorite of the FirstEvery one In the ward knew him and wheneverhe was a candidate no matter on what ticket hewas running he carried the First Ills flatteryneighbors always sustained him and when defeated M he frequently was It was by the voterof other portions of his district The First wardnever faltered In Its political allegiance t himIn the First ward he wan noted for gettingwork for laborer along the wharves and wasnever tired of doing a good turn He wa liberalAnd democratic Everybody liked him In theBoard of Aldermen distinguished himself bytrying to change the name of HsyarJ street tHarry Howard street Howard A all Newlanr Hor Itrt 10an alYorkers know was at the head of the lire fighters when men not horses hauled the enginesand there was no compensation for this laboricept the con clousness of public service faithfully done Flynn a an old fireman as wellMold soldier Politics did not enrich him andwhen he ran for otc It was generally understood In the First ward that he did 8 on sympathy as It Is I calledpthr larger field outside of his own neighborhood be was best known on account of his proclivityclivity for performing civil marriages at theCity Hall Many happy bridegroom manya blushing brldn recall with emotion the familiarexpression Hend for Flynn JInn performed the marriage service repeatedly hebindingIrrevocable performed It gracefully fashion he performed U InFlynn was as has been said the lat of thegroup of loA politicians each mOt popular Inhis own ward At the last local election as atseveral recent elections the most careful perusal of election returns falls t disclose anyQuestion of locality as atTectlng the resultneIghborhood lion no longer an > thing to dowith the case The fnct Li that with the growthof Now York In population and Importancewith the enormous Influx of Immigrantsfrom other countries the multiplicationof the lines of transit the substitution nftenement and flat homos for separate dwellings coil the breaking down of geographical distinctions tint Inhabitants of tho city havebecome so merged and blended that wards andward boundaries have censed to count The ordinary legal tenure of premises Is I no longeryearly hit monthly Hemovals are frequentNeighborhoods change from week to week Theold residents are exceptional no longer typical1 la Not four MartialCol David E Austen of the Thirteenth Regiment I not to b court martlalled and neverran any danger of being court martlalled Illsabsence from the Decoration Day parade Isa simple dellquency subject as such t thepenalty of a line Commissioned officers aretried for delinquencies not by the regimentaldelinquency court but by a brigade delinquencycourt and It Is this court that has been onlerecfcourt special court simply because commanding ofllcers arc seldom delinquent and the courtmust b composed nf three ofllcers of equalgrade with the delinquent I Col Austenoffers a sufllcent excuse for his absence no finnwill b assessed nimlnut him If he does not afine of from 5 to Slo will b Imposed which ColAusten will pay and that will b the end of ItThe Lies or RefereeThese referee were appointed ID cases In the Statourta In this city lut weektrRIHIt COTBY Judge AndmrtCtutt TttftrtttMelville agt Chase Nut Dank Hamilton OdellIbrowlo sat lailtYanJohn tthalenIlarffagt Horn leo DellMatter of IlaUIlt Daniel O RollinsTurner agt ernam James J NeallChediey act Marks Francis 1 Donohuelap agt BrIgs HcrLert F AndrewsCody act Cody Joseph Fett retchBauer eel OrunwaldWm HolbrookWnen aCt Hard 1rancli L Dunohuemigrant Injun Bar Bank qirnCIlLtan John 11 JudgeCo aCt KetchamClarence W FrancisMatter of Clowes Ldward DounellrMerchant Nat Ilk ait ToledoAnn Arbor and Nor Rjr John n JudgeMoses ant tcerJohn E WardKmUrant ludu Bar Dank act8jlllvan Harold If SmithMailer of ONeill Jnlm E Wardlief roi agl llorUnn Warren IrreneCadv elailer ant llreen Edward V Parchlatter 01 Uarvln Johu K WardThomasagL hhtz I harold Smith2homasagtMltx illaroldSherwood agt Clt Northern InsCo t rends L DonohnePerez at De Prellezo John II JudgeKtnsey aft l hhrrmaoEdward T WoodItlxRln Carpet Co aft Nehaulift Co Ed T WoodHeline Oft DoncbrUllhen II bpler JrUv Judoi nitttnonSexton agt Rooseveltfloe F Donnellyr riolleason art laTin Lawrence OodklnCutbrnanagUFehr JohnB PineVy Judge TYuoxMatter of Jam Charles A JacksonTruMeesof Amherst College agtIlluli ChasW DaytonSickles agt lleade llout L Weusleycount or coo nxisDv Juitgt DiMchoffDrnekeragtDruekerOeorge ITaasfv7ik grrWlok agt wick Oeo M Van noesenWdJhach agl WomaOeo W Van IloesenscrxaioB COURTVti Judo DvgroRofan act Cochran Frank lIcbemrJSy Jvdgt UcAAnmBradley t O Co act QallagherJIenrr W EatonIFINANCIAL AND COtI3lEKCIALNew York Block Exchaaxe flles Dee ntmiTZD STATES AND STATE DO1DS IX SlOOOsBUH4I 114 I 80 8 Car 8s NP22UIIUII 00 ilK Il7lVabsdTlttiLtSdslllj ICLOSIKU riiicrj or UNITED STATES BONDSDid Artrd Did AlttdCflzar 07 U 8 Ct1803 I 100tJII4rIIS II4 VII4el1I IISl US81I > V7 r I03UVII Cr II7M 1IHW UtllIIHOI4IOt IVIICe1I7J4 > llb iU 8ei ibvviiiI IIA1LKOAD AND OTIIEII BONDS IIIr JlOOOsI II AlchlsoQ 8644 fi Minn ot at Lists Ito 64 Wex hit17 844 SUetEllst ltla II Atchlson dA Ino BNorPao Istr IlllV 171t IBNJOirnlBs hISII 17H 8N1 FI l1IIIHI I All a Pac III 43V 7NorKKof Calls 916 Alb at Bus en 8s llv 7S YUt Wr4 haubroadway ot 7tn II itock hi 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Pacific 5144 Northern Pac pf 17Erie common lutjontarloft Western irCt rle t console 83 I Pennsylvania OilIllinois Central 1144 Reading 71Kansas Texas 11Ii 1I11aul IIILine Shore 1SU Vbash pf 14lout NIIIII 7434 Union Pactflo 15 4NY Cnlral1UIISATURDAY Dec S3Although the stock market has not reflectedthem tho most Important developments thisweek have been In the affairs of bankrupt railway companies Progress has born made In anumber of cases which though not tangibleenough to submit to security holders and thopublic Indicates that serious and Intelligentwork Is being dono In the direction of readjusting the finances of such Important corporationsas the Heading the Atchison and the UnionPacific companies Modified plans for the reorganization of the two first named will probablybe submitted to security holders early next j earThe pllion Pacific situation Is complicated bythe Goxernment lien upon tho property and Iuntil Congress adopts a definite policy In thomatter of funding that lien progress toward reorganization will necessarily be slow It Is understood however that earnest efforts are beingmode to Induce Congress to realize the Importance of acting upon this question at onceThe only active speculatlonln stocks this weekhas been In Sugar KcUnlng which closed SHVcent lower than It did last Saturday The fluctuations In it have been fairly wide though theonly fact affecting the price has been a further decline In the price of refined sugarA sustaining Influence has been n growingconviction that there will be no tariff legislation at too present session of Congress eventhough a good deal of pressure hu been andwill be brought upon that body to abolish thodifferential duty upon sugars Imported fromcountries that pay an export dutyThe greatest net fluctuation an advance ofover 0 per cent In Consolidated Oas has reostilted entirely from reports that cannot be confirmed of a probable consolidation of that company with the East River Gas enterprise Themost conspicuous movement this week has beenthe decline In the Granger stocks they closedfrom 1 to m p cent lower than last weekand this In face of assurances at Washington that the bill legalizing poolingIs likely to become a law A largo number ofthe less active stocks have sustained noteworthy net declines which have In the mainbeen attributed to liquidation of speculativeaccounts Incidental to the closing of the yearRailway earnings show some Improvement ascompared with last year and dealers In hOlidaygoods report an Increase In their wilts of si to35 V cent over last Oar This last Is construedas a favorable Indication although tho volume Iof transactions In staple products Is not materially larger than It was a year agoThe speculation In stocks today was limited toSugar Refining and General Klectrlc whichclosed 54 and IH V cent lower respectivelyThe weekly statement of averages of the A8lhelated Hanks show a decrease of over eight anda halt millions In the loans duo presumably tothe marketing of the new Government bondRepayments of gold borrowed to pay for thosobonds and withdrawals of gold from the HubTreasury for export account for the Increaseof over six and a half millions In the specieheld by the banks This change Is I obviouslyto an extent delusive since the exports of coldare not fully reflected In Ihe average reportedA decrease of eight and a half million lu legalUnder shows where the Increase In gold camefrom namely from the Treasury A decrease often and a quarter millions In the deposits Is alogical result of the change already noted andso Is the Increase of nearly 1553000 In the surplus reserveAs compared with the final prices of last Baturday the majority nf stock are lower Themore Important Del decline are In Americanhugar Kenning JH W cent United HtatesCordage preferred tH Missouri Iacltlr IJiUnited States Cordage H i American TobaccoHock Island Northuest litneral Electric andTennessee Coal and Iron IK each llurltiiirt nand quincy Ity Northern Iaclnc preferredW bt Paul houtbern Hallway and Vabatipreferred H V rent each The noteworthy ail Ianies are In ConMilldated HIM 14 u ftlttUnited Htatea Rubber 14 Cleveland fillrlnnatl Chicago and Ht Units H n rlilcanilas 114 and Distilling and Cattle Feeding it4 centFloat sales compare with those of jesltrdayas followsfoliowllIIeVe fi flee it i rw II PC1Am Bug Ref uCj 1544 Sorthwtrom 5e1g UlanadaBo fit fill N V Central 504 VCIia Q 7IH 714N Vt N fc itt1 4i7Coo Oa 184 ISJ Pull 11 tar liK 116heaftohlo n thiesgoUse 114 1Ik llolIulr i74 I I 1bIOI A hudson ISot Utl St Paul com 5s34 573DfaftUOtif U3 > 4 lrDisftufco tdt t4t taulh U f LW lollErie 1114 lsl1uIi U pf 117 nflCloaEI Kit I s4Tenu1 J 111 J K 17 Isi ILoul ft lab fi 61 17 H Cordlv t > 74LakeKbnre IS71 11171 ItHCVra nf I SI4 IV Iladed llu 5114 V74 West Lu Tel 1754 > 7Haaloo AII luu I I 144 0 bi lt1It I W ij tzMUsourl Vte 1014 201 wtcligtt 412 111Uovcriimrnt Imndt Mrwlynt uittuangeil U >tallons Railway Ivmil wire dull all ttihuutany change In quotation from prwluua taleliar silver In Ioiilri l 1 i35Ii 1> Ion mi call I yf > I Vinu Yliue monej Ismureaitlir al Vh V trnl Mr 11 il 0 i IVrriitt for fnur innntha nul t 3t1 c tt 4 Inrtixliiimtha uu gcsi iiilxnl MK vml i ummerlal I aper 1 ioieil 1 5c illfiwIrlme rbiiur rl bill rea al > lrtit l t I3 j4 criiiilulce lutileiaaje wsiwr at i i I 1114 iii 4L4J CCDt He offering art IIJIL ImIlD letlJhge dull at iuutjucU IW Ilions Posted asking rates for sterling S48RMfor long bills and jiHnU for demand Actualrates are Long bills 14A7H sight draftsJ48BH and cable transfers 4tlll14 Krancsare quoted at 6IIIU for IOOR and nla 814Hfor short jrelchnmarks 11554 for long and nililOtl7I34 J for shortl guilders 40MO40 olU for longand 40 710 for shortDometic exchange on New York I Boston6CIH cents discount CnarlestonllUflhg partpelting Hi premium Hayannah Huylnir Hdiscounts felllni par New Orleans Hankpar commercial 100 cents discount HanFrnnclscoHlghU 10 cenl telegraphlo 12Kcents Ht IxiulsBO cents premium bid Chicago 80 cents premiumThe weekly statement averages of the Clearleg HoUe banks showsflee ts lIke ft CTiantfiIxians tSOttNTIlOO I IPH 5fl 800 Pee IMiiostOOIienoilts Cfl4H01flOO EI I BOWOO Pee It VW4 00N InoOYJllrculn lll6liM I 3 111111400 Inc 841200Iegl Cdi limooovou I Ioo4ilino I lire HftniiNOoSIwcie at4ftwio 1L1457000 inc B oft I looftesve 8174818 BOO 7ffB H00 Inc 201H700He e red 141800 iS l8 JBil74M Inc 2578550urplus 33918819 nTliOO078 Inc tS3440The surplus nycnr ago was 77037775 andtwo years ago 11170575Imports of general merchandise Includingdry grwxls ilL the port of New York last weekwere SI 17078 11 against 110831100 thel previous week I nnd Sn45l > f > liJ for the correspondinn week of last year l he Imports of specie forthe week were UH181 of which f SlSo4 wasuiild maklne total specie Importett since Jap 1llHOH4H4tl Exports of aperlc were gold fl iN70iOft and sliver tII08H43 n total of M7711ISO against 8117VIM tli previous week Theexports nf SPecie line Jan 1 hnvo been goldfIVinr and silver 83aTitf10 ft total ofmroij7uyThe Mrtiiiicfflt Hironffle computes the grossearnings for October of 143 raIlroads nf iIl32727111 n decrease nf 4llUHH4il as comparedwith the same month of leSt yiar and net 21B7HOIO A adecria or JIKliM H For the tenmonth ending Oct Ill the gmss earnings of iiilrailroads were 04Hlfj7M a decrease of 7708 I8M as compnrr l with the correspondingpeilodof last year and net 148H7H44 a decrease of SIU15UUH >The Toledo Peorla nnd Western Railroad reports gross earnings for November of 70141nn increase of 1711 ss compared with thof amomonth of Inn jinr nnd net SI 714 I an increaseoJ 1lM3 For tho hive IInnth ending Nov ailtlic rlls inrnlnci wore S4IVJHI n decrease ofSlVIN ni lotnpirid with the correspondingperiod of last year and net SI1IHulllt increaseof SbTH1 IIP Han Francisco and North Pacific Rallrondreports gross earning for November ot 1I1IIIil I Inn lncrcnn nf 1111 as compared with thosame month of lat ear and net t M44jl an Inrrrnioof slTUL I or tha lIeu months endingrsm io the gross earning were S4ID702 an Int recoIl of SliMOO HS compared with the correspomllni perlo IIIf l last ear and net S1H5IUan Increase of flHHTiTho Chicago atid > Northwestern Railroad reports gross taming for November of 58418month of last year of SIHJIl 1Judge Jenkins of the United States CircuitCourt sitting at Milwaukee made an order todnj atithorllng tho receiverof tho Northernratlllc Railroad Company pay the Interestupon the first mortgagp bond t of that companydue Jan lnUo tint sinking 1 fund charges Theinterest amounts to Slioi7fio and the kinkingfund requirement In JJIlVlfSThe special meeting of the stockholders of thoAMieellnK and Lake Krlo Railway Companycalled for today adjourned to the third Wcck InJanuary It U utidurstood that this action wastaken because of negotiations which are pendingconnection f I I with the Valley hl Railway I whichmay call for modification of the original plan offinancing tho company NI far as It relates to thesecond mortgage landholdersJudge Lttrlonof tho tnlteil States CircuitCourt at Nn > hvlllo settled today the form ofdecree for the foreclosure of the mortgage securing the bond known as the Cincinnati Extension C and signed tho onler of sale Thisdecision U adverse I to the Cincinnati Hamiltonand Dayton InterestsNational bank note circulation outstanding300fi 11780 nn increase fcc the week of jiotl401 received during thn week for redemptionSlHSOO amount reissued I S194TO anddeitro f Treasury to redeem national bank note S20OSDUU an IncruiHB for the week of SlDlJAlThe rrrelpta from customs for the week wereJSliH 101 and from Internal revenue SVIIIHftlft a total of S477nHin against S4i4inInt week Tho receipts of Ihe liovernmeiit fortIlt month tniHteueroSllWSOnanndrxpfndltimSsioliOO Fortho ncal ear lodlo Ihoreceipts hivo been Sin4l7H41U and the dlsbur ements lS0484irTho condition of the Treasury at the cloe ofbusiness today compares with that of lost Saturday as followsDec Vi 1II C ItTotal available CLAOIOII72 J7f > 1 3non73Currentllabllltles 048 37J 1118 H4230UB18Total hlllneIIIIIU4 iiM ii iliGold balance 101a03N10 V0ljaC urrency balance iM 1OJO tfl37773ii3Included In todays assets are 15nin14r fractional silver and minor coins and SU3InMSdeposits In national bank llonds held to secure tIe Fame 14imiUO The Treasury holds4NjlliKl national bank notes for redemptionagainst 42I0O7I last SaturdayMoney In London WM V 1 cent Rate of diecount In own market for both short and three011lnmonths bills 34 y i cent Tarls advices quoted3 14 cents at 101 franca HI centimes and exchange on London at US francs KIH centimesTho sales of mining stocks on the New YorkConsolidated block and Petroleum Exchangetoday were as followsSalet ftume Oixnlny IHuheit Lowest ClosingAmerican Flan 4 4 4 4MMIliinKtorkT S B B Bjoiicon Cal ot Va 801 883 8111 8 13lOOOphlr l 03 111I 1011 1011Standard 1 no 1 DO 10 1 VOTotal sales were 1300 shareCommercial ComswadBm nAT Deo CoTioxpeollned 1 to 2 pointsthen recovered thi and advanced I to H 5 Imo cI10K steady s IIh ssle of HIUDO lathe Lherruxil waeasier on the snot but unchanged future declined Ilo H I 5 loin i closing 1U1t New Orlean advateiil jin I point on March I Siot sale i hire hell IrlttlngPrice were urn hanged nnuiton received lallIt Iagain ln173lhldav last week and 7111 lail yearMemphis 44IH agaInst 44101 this day lustweik and IBH2 IUI year New Orleans riCellOS I on Monday are eitlmate at Kuuiui inMlMO against vftmi r IMI Mmulay and 17430haul l jcar Port receipt 11HIa 87 Bui bale Iagulntl 4512l 1 this day last week and 4IUlil last > ear INiirthirn Milliners Iliu far Ibis I si stun hate latinln Jlltt I bate again H13747for the same thin lstsear New urleans and 5leni hli each sold > Ino balsiheiu1iui Ih Myiunivhi and Few Irleanis nuitrktts wets y mi lli l ii lalvi 1 run I Norfolk I Mohllinnd mLouIs 10111 1 IIV AUu a received II 1S40 aitaln tllimibMiia last year Ht loll 1 HUDagainst 1333last year katris t friiiiiiheixriio lirinin IUi7tolranci and 10 04110 the Continentllalvesiiin rx 110 I 11 toots like 1 000 IMio forTrIll IA adlK rallay IInkIllnIIlln ral ChiIIIIallIwllIlC I nlraoIIMr1 weather Extest re1111 In tnhln bea vy Illka Ala tlr I Ill1 rdlahhI I4rt In thou fertIlizer IllIlUulalurlll boiltIes who has trteiiid ovr North alld tooth Carllna Alaliruna an I diortflft reports ls chtun In theeounir I ul tht i Hsaonuf theyearthanh i I haknownfiirtltH yen i ilui I I mill Mh l liOn lienlnfore heldlotion lu i > suuii 4 fax a they ctml ulckaml Kinliny I ltl I nn fattli I lu rli I pus i I vim iiMintuln IJW 1 tztctory Uiuil t iy running hilf II i lajwcll Has hot solulan for tos nciiiln tClIll aJ nou tipiioii inn I mthese 1lIlIullh iHrmirs ami dealers 5110w an tinwllllniine in but l i aid they now speak iifnot iilunllne uu r bait a crop of eutioiiPrcient liuluatluiuilon I iolat to more than half thecaiuumptloiuif ferilll2er tbUear The New Tortw4reluuus Id Is I IIIO IiAh agaloil IIIJIIll25171100 5771i14 Oill autul S600 precIous alit rari14lrrlItOI iu lustier thin had been cxiested antowing in till fact And the closing the market untilIIIXI liuuraluiy I l mi nl tsar WITH IIpssw4 to rover andfor that ri ao there a a small a > I vance for the dayTo lrJlng ill iutures ii as II followsIou Highest lavttt SaleJanuaryS43t544 l1htll 61 Cowlebruary ftiw34s o 48 644 auiioMarrli f3lu1 j BAI 541 210 100AprIl 11117 867 ffil 4 BOO> Ia > Hlufiti 3HJ 68U S48DOJune 017 317 3114 J 1UOJuly ft 71ii 174 37J SMI 2UOOAkguit 6ilVl377 377 673 vniJObeitcuiber 37JUihl 3 HI 67V sooFLOI RTrade dull Prices uncertain Sales 4 810bbl l rxporl J7l hbla and 1000 sacks IterelrlK477 libl and 71437 sacks Spring In sacks werequoteil asfollims No grade ltIul I line luot JfrUlurtfiUl042hll i No S rile I lUgtKVU I Nil 41 Iextra V ICnitt J3 clear ij kOoJJV J3 stralnblsf aAtkOf4III275u4 I 10 tiateiil I SJtblJ illtlH4l Wbeat sulTan ul t Ike to lie Rtiot sale I18uiiOOIiuil for e Jrt ST 3 redf o IL I sliestWe uuiter May and holie red l In atom 34s3c underMar Thee were the receipt I Lblcago S717S i iMilwaukee IVS3O Mlnneapoll lln4d Duluth10111 o bt Louis 7000 Toledo t04lm Dtmlt PbIIdelphia I 1004 f 5017 rw York itootoui On1II Total r ttJJblush 11141 I Ictrrlay 445777 IIJ last sear holIdayFuture saics aitnuoo bush a followlOpening Ijtvttl lltgluit Closing MgUJanuary SU IS 18 6u lfi8 in so iinMay C41IU li 14 > n 718 ZH iljJuly 6431 6514Com declined 34e to Hr Spot sales I 33 OOU lunch lu Iliullng Jl ono fir export hieaiiier 4kH In eU valorBO uttul aiil3lero b anal No 3 4ss NoV o4c In tkiatur ruturn sties 1 lUUOOO bualiaafollows1Oftxlxg lantit Malt Clottmg AolUJanuary 314 01 HO iV4 I fill fiuleLruary lilt oiRlIWa 62 B3 6J14 54 JvJCats declined Uc Spot sales 72000 bub No 2 whileJ744Js55c IXeeniUrdoi c January do gjk7t 7intelruarydn Uv No J iiirxed 031443314c unuriiite J7i44IHe for while and Ulu83c for mixedIuiure sale 4iuiiO tutu as fallowsOjwag WINoI UlJI C1wlag IfftJanuary a34 5441 3314 sjla 31February i1454 Ulu 3117 nilMay 3354 alJ atj UOJ 334Twos f Kitnau Th exhibit of esuvts for IheKiek oaabullUaaafariuwbeai a eoiufru J TloeilUStlilly no psss id wta itrop chd a lesreaa ofrsfiuMUMliiub There wa tvry little ditpittsn r nred > I sod a4 son trf lu ls l el bar Ihuu ht u fcililsIIII 45 4 over biwl Ittfuf die 1wI M > ibtrw wa asiUul ndvsns Stare wa also quite aguml rajMirilisu4 io 5tlu rr de4cressuI rl t Iul r wratlur al tluiVVi 1 au lull I uiiiiiU4lLtlirts ul wliMt HulkHug fluur as lsItlr MM > bllrl Mali U tli cowls Oslo a Uelulliif ls 4u wr4u4 li 14OI vi Were alii 1 II J 4 m Uuii axalual V Jil Vu 101161I Lest5rt vi IM buJu tr hOe uw at lest viarrZitiJul 41 i lijn 5a1 iiar ihiu Licri uti i r r tUl4d bu li aa eci LejMl Mich844 f7 i lUi Ut wek 411H40 bLat fur Uie wwInea lest > en a > 4 4 w looj bItch l ulura a ortsof lull atuer from the ten ilmlpal I Atlanticport n Including I Montreal for the week enillng Dtcl 13as compared with I the preceding week werelIre SI 15 ler I 94 ChangesWheAl buh j lo8Hio I it6777 Inc 101048Cornbush JJ8HIN lev u I Inc I 107673tlourbbls 2SJ IHl 114740 Inc 108418The comi aratlve summary of aggregate exports foreightvieekstoDec lAweroi I lmi iMti ChanaitWheat bush AOI403I rt017n4t Deo 5900rornbnh I 1702 Bnt OHimtHJJ Dec BPOn74Flour bI 1870011 IJiOHM Inc 1897111ilRurxmrsCorfrcwa steady to firm with moderatetrading harm rItH franc on I ecember I anduailtaiicrd unt hnmtrd to U pfg I hIgher Not a few 01 the Jobberhere say they extie I a rink I biulnc In January andthey are cent rally will mipieil with pot andniloatentrie The lur et Inning tiwlny wa by Hie conIliunt American warehouse deliterle 20 lull bugThe rutted states vltlbl supply of 1I0ICWO I I l 00Imio Itlu 1l1Ti1t M lib price mid e halige unchangedreoelpt 7iiui stak Mi wta 8sntu oulet and unchanged receipts K4 IMIIII clock J11iod The Rio retrills jesterili ire 80011 Instead of 210011 1 Thefuture trading was as followslonlHt kiln lltg > ir > t tfnrttt Clntlnpf18January B noil 1383 IT 01 11WOIJA3March Iftnil 1210 ay IVAl la 111 IV3S KflAi I lllAUDicemlicr V 730 1103 1JU3 IHU3 I II I4IIOIlln un the mt wa dull nnd steady No 7 13t t lIft sheer dull nnd nominal tW test 2Hci Vd testWu Keiltud quiet I und unchangedII uCIrsv1ISTonrsqulet 1 but firm Spirits turpentine242ftel s common to good strained rosin SI asjPrTKntrtM No sales National V 3c bid Oil CityIWr hIPnoviioiUrd iltill City IWrilJic Western7IUC December 7IOC t January 710c Tallow fieStearlneM Oleo7 ft c mII Vi Uo Choice butlerItVWA Ssueyeiueest ItiKilllxcLiucAio SJ These srre the Chicago priceprIceThiSThiSWheat Opening Jtigliril Lfireit Cloning MoMJan lItI41i Bnv 6Mt aNlEif 51414May M B H f fia fiolj fii H jUrISJan I H 434 46V4 454 4SJ 4BUMar 4 II 4HlJ 48 4bJ 4S 4IInlll8154 834 81U 813411171Jan M fl7 a711 fl 7J 873 n 77Nay 700 70J 897 700 700hIlIJnn 377 877 877 877 880111 eos noj eos aol eonlurkJan1I03 1 11117 IU2 III 87 11 87Way lUll 11113 TUVJ 1193 1193Real Fatal Private Halef Kllnftman ha lill the I flestory flat with storeon lot 251159 I N bout 81lt lIHiram Jlerrltt bc sold the four and two story brickbnlldtn 2314117xalllx about 47 No V3 James streetand No HJ New Chambers street for Sirs D Schumacher fur 8IOJ3UThe four story lune I front dwelling SlxflOxO1 SoIll East ThIrty seventh Iel hal been onhl b1 thehunts 01 the lute TIIlnr ran In a Mlii WlalhropThe In 1I1ry ouIII single list on 1111 i 401757 N liil ant 8111 Vest Fiftelghth street havebeen i duI In Mi I hola M chi n for about W1i iLaYMIIIam nNnilth Jr las old for II N Wailer Colot I ou 111I111 Street 100 leet Hist of Amsterdam aveour in John sri for about IHAOONathan Kaplan of llrooklyn has sold the rtvetorybrick teneinnt rrla Niw SIS bait U4thstreet Adnlph HlnderlierRllarnftlAln hay cold for Mrs Cora True the fivestory brick flat with tore 27x about 6xHO on therIii lmIoUthesternerofEglIth nIO and llOlh streetfor 45001John 1 inner t Co have sold for Mr Robert JHoguet a f Our tory hmwn Hone dwelling HO footfront No 334 Ve nu ly seventh street for JjIOOOKent Kalate TrnnefCherry n s 7111 Jefferson st SO Iill2tJohn Lohman and wife to Catherine Marranch alN a nf alley In rear of Walle si lAniuelludson II lIn italic at IBIxll l I rruet liarvler In Cornelia 91 N ryniser 1HleHker st W cot Perry it 420x70 EllaMelllck In FllenM 1 Hartley 1nUll 01 tsnoue ittbavV3iUHu Nina II Steinto J Johnston WIHMI Si purl 83 8338I f34th tli VNotJ JubnstoaVsooI li to GeorgeIlotdt 113 000aith 51 s 5 3lKo tllh lav Xftxuili Millie IIlUndtkopf to J Johnston ih ood lj part 88 3333tht c s 4434 ill as ItlhxllMwAnuloKNan SVek to ElIte V Uhlte I871 h it 0 5 Un w In av JlxUNU JomphCobb and wlfo 10 Valentine Pnssler exI rop and I37th it I i 3Jw 1st ar 24x081 same toname ex prop and i37thstss 1314 w 1st av 4Nxt u Leon AbIHII Jr etaltnjimephcnbli I84th st s s iloo e nth av jSxtts Iaul Hlleriug by guard to J Jnuiuton Woods 3440111 Part St 412 SVrst Albert Uerllck to John C Ml93SIHN tlner 4 433Utav u s Sill a 70th St S1x77 ChristinaKeller all1 I husb to liernard Well lti830Istav W 5 212 a Tuth st MxTi same to Herman Manilelbatun is 030TDIhMiia 411 I 11 av xlOl3 Lewis ZIch l to James R K > le I IVdave 011111 1x11 it t Si31x711 FranklinlIen ri f 10 FreI U 1 iimii 19 BOOlOll 111 s IA7H w lars av tlTllz lot IiLewis I N Mnrrno n > Anna SI 1 steer 87000lda > e > ioin ljt st t J3U7I Franklinlilen ref to irMlti 1 r Cnmp 13400JIaillon av 11I4 the Uanlnjtou Life Instu lu August N Ulcp IIluiiletard w s 1l I n 144th St strip 116x 113 I xl 4x111 in Jinephanl Thomsondora to Loom U lldi f 10COIIelll a w 5 Ill 1 n U7ih II Ix479xl 111041 Urn FIsher nail vote to PatrickONrlll 10Ulhavw s Bl n I44lh can Ilx4lix511 Mary A Thomson vtldun to Loulldir jSanieprnp Josephine R Itli hanl to same 1Aiiuteruum av a M cur I57lliit i3xUVJoluiiuaHlrxhberg lojuliii I Halligan 18000unirtli nv II e iorl7llliil 113x100 I SxUU7XIUO Louisa Silver le John II Koelch 10Tli7au 0 t w s VII n Idth st uxmo Andrew Lar > eiiand wU I I all Ii Simon Htroaberg l 8000> UitOIlaVVe loA nut lot hN manor MorrisII Ot lI3fJOii = S0 1anla Sxll I Ills J D UriHlheail i ritz torre Same plii rely Henry llruilhead 11 al to ume 141151 5111 IVeet Thorns berkeley I and wifeto mlIKcoll 80000Wt IInll avw s f lOn a U M > t H xlrregJames U fetacey and ano to 1 Joseph E Weed 1IlItCIIlllJjI MOHTUiriKHIbtch lewIs 1 Z to J 8 Toold sa TOlbit 891 elsiavI yr 118800Tlmadbelt I n m and wife tu J I I Butler ltIIIIIOONtchulatavn wcor 14Nib at J r saoooflush I ralrfax toll N Camp w t Northernav 40 n w f rum lot 8 map run WashingtonHuniUtelu 2rs rreIk and wife to Theresa liund 18000stein e srullonav limn front e w cot lotnn map tillage uf 31orrUaula Mvr 8000llelder Juin II 4 I and ano 10 Murray Hill Coup I Hdx and IA I wit AAMMII H a Southernliuulevard 711 II home Install 1000Barcbftld misD and uno m r A Dolly sslb Cobb Jcoeph and I wife to Leon Abbctt Jr andnos 5 liinst Uw let ac ill > Jvr 17000alDurladilUimah ant ano arJ the LawyerTiileluLi > N V s aeoth ct 101 w LexlugtonsvJyrs 10000SIllIer VVinand wife in I PI j 1 Weekeastrustee wsCou > entavx I2n It7lh si firrs 8000loll i rredk I and wit It ilI Dean w s llrookav Mm HHHit YtL 8000FelIx Peter W soul wife to John U bulphene a IIlaYUI4llIlIolbIIr 7fiOHallUau Jon soul wife to Tm Cohen awcur Ainiienlam av soul 137th I si l yr Hi 13168KileJaineil lo Lewis N DecO as tOut siVlneUlav 3yr 10700Keep Auuuit N in the Washington Life InsIm I Hit aniilnginn av 1 yr 18000Knelsrh John II 10 HiniMm I AC Uniati n e rotvvadiHiirlhav east I74lhtd yr 8000KyleJainelt aiulnlfulo oN Todd Ito tiat VI J lstuv Kick Louisa I II lu N V Hnvgs Pank s s Hesterfctltii4lMi map liujrarl farm catJyra 110001ijr Abraham I and wile toliarucli FrancSu S Eswi II 1I11 u Drlaucey 11 J r SOOOHame 0 Urn thlcrse e rasvx si 552 a vlamyst 4 yr 8000Molonejr Julia lu Fnnk E WIse n s 117th I IIill tf hi av ileinniiJ 4000Mirrlit Armlntha and alto lo Kraucls MJuteS u s 70ili si lot w Amsterdamand other prop demand 10000lau lhUIIi lleriiiau tu Christina Kellsrwa lit l av X14 a 7iilbtlfi Jro 6000Phillip liMar to Morris Kielnlurdt n w corlI Itoh 1IIIC Ncholai aln I MOOOHitler bOo U and wire la ttotwrl Kerr OSlollC V4l w 1Ir1 yn 8780Baud Kieanor l n aud Lou to ibe Mutual Lifeliii Co Oh 74lb et Truup lliu A to lrglula I Jjuutiam audauus l ilil iUHIw llthavdriuand 1000Tim Henry J and wlfeioMouat hi VimtutoAp Ullg and Luau Aaaucn a e Cut Coluwbia av Install I MMWell llrrnbaid lu Cbrttibia Keller w s 1stav BO It l7blb l0 > rs 1000UIMer I rue atul wife to Title cluar andTrut Lo u wiur oultiard and I04llisiI r 11004eiuker Hennau lo Anna P Wilder c e cueAv A suit sIer it SAl ward Iji 1800U > 4s J wJiuiti 11UII lUuiUku f S COILSSt Juur illl 1 av ayr 80000UvrU Ju rji i 41ut ii hiaxvv mad Laow S sled Stud IS ill s VJI lhf yrs 40Oooow tx l J Jc4iulitt lu SIne 1 II nielli ODd aDO0 iillusi tuj e Dili av uiuru Syrs 0000aubangD L144Tssuls ata r tularaliM luillliigrta Ia4fll East Vies I st stole ttuoraji4 cellar I1 f IUMhIRl1dnt1WPhiladelphia ReadingRailroad CompanyNotice I hereby then that the underslgne t Committee will be prepared on and after January Zd1BOS to purchase the coupon of the General MortgagePonds maturing January 1st from all bondholderswho hare already assented to the reorganltatlonagreements or who mayatiunt to the sama on or before December 81st on the prcftentatlon to either ofthe depositaries of the Committee of their temporarycertificates the Itecelvera hating notlflrd the Committee In accordance with the terms of the contract ofOctober lot that they will be unable to pay the Janusty couponThe permanent engraved certificate of the CentralTrust Company for the general mortftagn bonds deposited will be ready for exchange for tetniorary certificates heretofore Issued on January VI Holders ofall classes of securities randcposlt the same In accordance with the previous notices of the Commltteeonorbefore December flint with either of tho depositariesnamed below and general mortgage bondholders cancash the three coupons already due with Interestsix per cent to January litor at their option receivefor their coupon equitable six 1 percent Interest certificatesThe Central Trust t Company of New YorkB4 WALt 8THKET NEW YORK CITYTho Finance Company of Pennsylvania431 C1IKSTNUT BTKtFT PnlLADElplHADated December 18th l liOI 1FRFnrKICK p OICOTT ChairmanADmAN 1SK1 IN JII J 1 KENNDY TODI1FMIY nUDOK THOMAS DENNYdEOIlOB II FAItLE JIV BIDNEY F TYLERSAMUEL II SHIPLEY IllCHAIlD Y COOKJ N WALLACE Secretary06 Wall Street New York cityA WAITING MARKETThe delay nf the Pooling 11111 In the Senate and aglatlou of currency queittlon are mainly responsiblefor prevent condItion or the Stork Mnrkif II is tiFFfrtnlh nrW tTiM AlNItIIAIIY inNCrllM THAI THISI FACT Ilts AUKIUT A lED Ill ls IO IPIIAII I t7fl > Till I t MAHK1T IVI 111llrtuMi AI llt I lIES IICTISII 1 IlL INMtTJihNTOK IAMlt INTFItlSTS MI ItlMlll MisNIIAItllIOllirHS nod IIOMtllOIIIFRHshould inS lriI th mtlttxit th utuullt Ion or tho I InSect Ipiits tOt y 1uol I In I stir uirpnrotlnii ItII1IOAO IIWI l TNI CI iLt AorlNDlNTlllAI andnUonf I the last I Stock to make11I0111 In by MndlnK for nur MOiUAtih MANUALllhutiAtrd with ral I rout maps nnd hiiwlnj I the locuslowest 1 lion of prices the different fur Un roaiU curs of and blocks giving buds lilKlmt Cotton andand ornlnornlnUED I OlATIS AVn MAILED FUFFHTOCKH IIOMIH OltAINbought alit sold for margin tonimlislon 110OFTFKMININO Till FINANCIAl liEKIONHIHUITV OF1 Ill J FIRM YOUi > iAI WITH IH AH IMPORTANT AMHKIECTINO Tile RECur STOCKScontro year rxiwrlencr largest clientele mostcommoillou officer beet brokerage serviceNew York Nntlini I Rink Itirennce furnishedIrv n nHAIGHTFREESEBAItlIEtciANICO l IIQ JQCII IQ E RSUPTOWN OFFICE1133 1IHOADWV > next toTidinnnknsnearSOthstDEflECT WIRESTOCEDAR FALLS MINNESOTARAILROADflONflIOIIEItISYOU APE nEQUESTFD TO PRESENT YOUR PONDSAND CERTIFICATES OK DFPOSIT TO THE MELCANTIIK TRUST tOMPANT ISO BRoADWAY THIS CITY IMMFDIATHY FOIl THE PDRPOSE OP HAVING THEM MARKED AS ASSENTING TO TIIK PHOPOSITION OF THE ILLINOIS CNNTUVL nAIIUO COMPANY AS THE TIME FORDOING SO EXPIIIE8 ON DCCEMIILR 01 1894IOVIH riTZ rUAID 1HIMON IIORU CommitteeC1IARIIX IVKIIRIIANEDecember Z2 1M11T E WARD COIIVMtnitS AXI llItOICKKH81 ASh H Illll > AHAV NIVV ule2HOSTON OHK I 15 STATi STSTOCKS BONDS GRAINCOTTON COFFEEnought and Mid for cash or carrel on nmririnIf you ever hav c any financial builnew of any kindto transact tu vould Ito kaed tui > ene > iiuWe hart every convrnU IUM Iosllule ti a banker orbroker for eltht a KI ntli nmn nr ladyCall or und for imrilntu let tt tr ntni circularI ITO sYS OKKICK1870 illtUltIstV MAIl ibl BTCharles Farnsworth CoMember Colorado Kurlng MOCk ExchangeBoom 1O FIrst Notional Itnnk llalldlnaColorado ItiirlDK1 ColMINES ANU MINING STOCKSWe buy and sell on commlstlon Amentum JunlataMollle lllbium Anaiouila IsaUlla Purtlnuil and allprominent LewUllle Apeu audtrtt pie Creek stocksbend formurkei letterIV refer b > lwrnulSsion i toGlut T Wing Si CoIS Wull Ht New York CItyBRAZEAU HESSEHANKEH4 AND IlItOItFItH44 llltOAl ANI > 40 MV H 1STOCKS BONDS GRAINBought and sold for cash or on margin at 110 iwrccotconimlMlonhank reference orreitondence InvitedCALl Oltbl7D FOltOUfl DAILYSLAIKET LLTSEIIAN blOCK MANUALODD LOTSPBACTHINAI lOTS of all the active stocksbouitni and wild fur cash and on margIn at the NewYork blink Lxilianto ut Iho market IrIOuut oneImmlred thare lullDOUGLAS JONES18 NEw STREETNext door to Ihe N Y block KiebansHAVEN STOUTBANKERS AND BROKERS3 Exchange Court New YorkBuy OHIO hell Jtallroad Mock and Jondton Margin or fur Cah at liathpre emit CommlitinnMembers ut the Consolidated ExchangeWH AT DO YOU WAN IrTO 1 KNOWABOUr SPECULATION T U1IAINVISIONS and STOCKS bought and told on llmllelmargin 10 Years experIence in ecuUtlou illulte a Manual for biHTUUKir em fns on receiptof lie atamp nrreilioudei Ci IkliedJASIEH I IIllLPE t coItooms 43J433 lUnkerj CLUajo HUihit1tnd nnd ntcrttCITIZENS HAV1NI18 IIANK OK THE CITY Or WRITkOUkftit cud Si IIOUIIIY Vorner anal stSIXTY SATII hHII ANNUAL PIVIDI OK ISTEKKhT The Trustee liavi ordered that Interest atthe rats of rofll p > u CtST per aiiuuni U > laId todfpiuliiir on and after Jan HI en all tuiua of S3 anduptuSJouUHhlchhate remained on deposIt for thathree or clx monilnctKlIni iw al lsUlMoney deposIted on ur before Jan lu will draw Inerect from Jan IrJwulD A 1UIMAIU PrtldnlhENRY HAKIm rrieiaryUIAltLUi W HrLII i achierUNITED eSTATES uriiinu till PtNY1415 itLaSiE itS NrWUlUK Hmmnher III KU4A semiannual dllirn itt 4 PHI t tT has Uenthis da declared uu > n th Preferred blink nf HulaLnuiuuuy lijr Ibn linunl of DIrector iayabl January16 bw3 lu tixkliiilrr uf reixird ci Ihe tliulogofthe trantfer Uuikal tics close of bukitu s uu IrluayDrceiuter JK 1501 l The Isuks will Iwreulwueil I al Ibeopening of builuu Jauuarr III M3ellli It lIlT TreasurerOffice of VEIlS rlKilOACd111 lln > adwayNss York lire 110 11491TIIB ItEaTJIAlt BFMI ANNl vL tllVlLtEhI ofTHREE ITK CEtTIuasbrrudeiarrIl i ly I 11W MrecIces of thIs company payable Jan 13 bu3 iii our ot7caastosrThe lraa fer bnuka will close Dec SI 1550 and reOEHiaJau Itt Iu3II U PA IU40S8 Assistant S srtaryTill lliNK IIP A U riill 4NfVV > Hllk 1C Si IHD4Tee Heard of Director bale UecUrM a wuiiaacuat l dlvkleaitiif fuur i4i l e r iriit limit latturalA Jan J leU3 lu slukbuMrr ff rwurd if llilsat TL transfer books will rviualn ttuud uolll Jan 7553ls U IIKSMT MtfahlerMKWIUSIH Sxs 114 S H NAIMVAI lUSk OX141 1111 lll 55 lif Nk Vtlllli lire IV lslstTo luuirl 4 hair OILS day dwlatelail s3luital u4u54eu4 it Ilireeur teul fretTuftaxM > all uu aiul ufttr lao V l leVuuetll wuku JiteUe lu f A k APUJULCeeUcaLLidtt2a and gnttttitChicago Rock Island and Pacific Ry GoHEW YORK CITY Dec 1411404Ala meetIng nf the Hoard nf Mreetor held fit illyadlldendoONRIIAirOPONllKlt EXT wii derlarnl pa > ahlRonnnd atKr the Ut daynf February11445 I to the stockholder of this company or theIrleirnl rrprrvntalires who shall be registered as suchon thus clonif of the transfer booksThe tramfer IoiIs l will cloe on the SHth day of December 10KI and reopen on the VUth day of January18W w tl ruillil TreasurerENITEIS MTATEMtORiPIUECOMIANYNtu S iillK Dec IO im > 4Coupon So 9 of the flrit mortgAge and rollateraltrust gull bonds of the United states cordage Compen will Im iiald on and nnrr Jan S 1H1M at lhonico of the Manhattan Trust Company New Yorkr K HTLHclll PresidentIIU1t rpottQVAI1TEIIST HnronTOP TUBBANK OP AMKRItA THE MORN1NO OF TIlE IDTlt DAY OF OKCESIOIEIt 1504SOUIICE8Loans and dIscounts less due from director I77M B 0 26Due from directors 40110000Overdrafts 4443 00Iioe from trust companies state andnntlmiil banks 181870989inking hoiiM and lot vnowo 00tlioeke slid lotl lolommhHfliecl 153246 VUU H legal lender notes and circulationnot of national banks 081200300Cad Items vi 111Illll and checks for theneitday sexchanircs 15640163 SOOther lltms carried ascash 061111 84BnOS 7B MTotal t31OtM0 8 84UAniLlTIESCapital stock paid In In cash 300000000Burplusfumi ifloonoo noUndivided proHU bet 7KB8170UDuct d ixiilfors as follows Tls1Deposits subject tocueck S1B090710 87Demand certificates ofdelimit VA89 84Certified cheeks 1184887 ItSCashiers checks outstanding 8 3798416820181 80Due trust companies Stat and nationalbatik 70016lff PADue savlpits banks 1684 07879Unpaid dividends luiS 00Total t310380IU 34STATE 0 NEW onK COUNTY OP NEW OI1K tVlltIAM II PMtKlN H BrNNrf As4lsisiut Cashier of the Dank of AmerIt a a bank located and doing business at No 44 and40 U all st In tha city of New York In said county1x Inn iluly sworn each for himself says that the tore5iUlg report Ii I In l all resixtts a truetatetnent of theconilltlou of said bank beforu the transaction of anybuiliii on till Itith diy of December 11451 and theyfurther say that the bii ln trilnqittMl at the location required by the hanklnirIllw5lslltMtllutw rut iBHi and tent elsewhere amithat the above rrpnrt Is I made Incimpllanco with anpniclal notko reeiltiil from theKuiierlnlendent ofIlsnke delgnstiiig the mill day of December 1814 asthe ilsy nn bleb nurli report shall be made that deponsnls kntuss lOg S the correctness the foregotill report Is Ierivetfrin l a constant familiarity withand InM irlion uf the agaiN of said corporation andthat sulut retort 5555 prepared outlet dP nentsl personal supervisionWILLIAM II PFIIKINSIrrsidcntWALTFft It IIFN74ETAssistant CattierSeverally subscribed and sworn to by both df DOomits the 2ad day of December KW4 before meJOHN FLYNNNolutry Public Kings countyCertificate filed In New York countyfltillfl 21lt1ITHE BOWERY SAVINGS BANK128 AND ISO IlOWI1ltYNEW YOHK Dec 10 1894A semIannual dividend at the rate of four per centper annum ban been declared and will be credited lodepositors all sum of FIve Dollar and upwardand not exceeding Three Thounand Dollars whichshall have In en deposited at least three months on thetlrst day of January next and c lit be payable on orafter Monday Jan ill 1HVS In accordance with theprovl lon of the by lawsDividends not called for wilt be credited to eachaccount and be entitled to future Interest the same asa lieLltsltlly order of the Poard of TrusteesJOltN 1 TIIIVNSEND PrecideniROIIKRT LEOXAIII SereraryISAAC P MAIIlHt AMlalant SecretaryUnion Dime Savings InstitutionOIIEELEY SQUARE NEW YORKInterest as tisualt FOUR per cent on the first81000 THUKE per per cent on the excess up loSOO1 Written up Jan 17 or any time laterIll All I KM JX HIltAaUK rreeUttOEOHOK N IHItDSALL TreaiurerFRANCIS M LEAKF Secretary02111U COM MERCIAL CREDIT CO140 NiP4SSV PIT 10131 4513ItIILIPlILEI latexHanufactuni nuniiunt and reliable partiesonly New VorkNcsJcrseyaiutl Ilrixiklin ainotolloOO obtained at once on IIOUM hold chattel storageami wan bou > reoilpls and other securities aueptelIi eollatcral easy payment Dusluesi etrlcily confluleullutt stIll rrhiable1OIJ NLRI MoNEY fIOVNH OP ANY AMOUNTto re r ialiie fnmlll on theIr IIOlHKHOIDUINIrUltE piano Ac without nnunalorllieunventIllu uli 115 iuiV repaying iurui PhiltAlF 4SII1ENIlt Iatut RI1LIARINalstIsIj7 11 11111 t iforncr llllh 56SIONKV AM AMOVNT U iKlt TKVRJh ruiint inaiiufaciuri umt rellabla parili onfiirutiuro or any collateral no removal New YorkfJ11 I Nu lre iiiutldentlalieaSTlernsIUIN IllKIII IN 1 HVAlt VSTYCOM7 NUMIIII at cor Fnllnn room 7OUnl1roni1AMERIOA8 CREATE ISAILBOADMELWYORKCENTRAL4 HUDSON RIVER R RFroth Orind Central Station 4M stflOO A 31 Fxtvit Sunday EmpIre StatS Expresslaziest train In the worldOiHO A 3llsliy Fast Stall For Svncuse Rochester Ilurfalo NIagara rails ChicagolOtOO A M tLzueIuI humlay Day Express For allImportant Htati i > olnt r Albuuy Try Ilurfalo desand Detroit Chli nao OlnclnimtlHt Louisdi2131 Olhliilly For Troy Saratoga BurlingtonIlttstuurgh and MitrealTilSOIMIehiy tor Auburn Road rolnUIludaloNIagara Fall Cleveland Indianapolis Btlouts ChlcaxoOrOOl 31Daily Only sleeping ear passenen forIU bester carried on this trainOil5 P II I Dally for Clayton fane Vincent Osietuahurg Cleveland DetroIt ChIcago11s05 Slulit except hunday night For AlbanyTroy nurtali Niagara Falls Chicagoa 0 A M and O ills P Mpally except Sunday toPltt nebl vm Harlem DlvUlonWanner Palato Car on all through trainsTrain Illuminated by Ilnlkli lightTJJfr1 agner omieal tlraud Central Station113 SIll 4n 7sI llniadwav 31 East Hth it LIncolnbullillug U44liroad ay VHft Columbus av5iUe tlV1tli and rinih it 1 lUllon New York ijs and7vn > ulum it and 71 iroa lway N D IlrooklynlluK K > checked from howl or riutdencu by theWesti ni l lxnreu I iimpanyJOHN M AlLI fcY OFOROF II DANIELSeleui ral ilauager den Passenger AgentLEHIGH VALLEY RAILROADHtNtlnnt fititt nrCcirtlHuill A llest rua ea 47 100 A M dally hr I ilAUil CHUNK 5111 InterrniiimiK tialliin louuecilons except bundav forltts llli uiI uillnitHllS A MiUlb fnrOFNFV ROCHlSTEIt 11UFFAlu MiiVI the Ist and lrltueliaI l lotal puulnt illuluu car toHu k iilou lirulgu Iullmiui Vesilbula sleeper toCliltairllilO A U dally for MAUCII CHUNK and Intermeiluui point connection for Heading and harrIsUrtIlioo I M dally except Sunday for V15111th andall InteriiudiiiiA station eonnet Hun fur Poturllteand Iteadluit chalrcar lu lllebarr4io l > M slsliy except bun lay for L and RJl M IIIIS anlprlutliial Inlerniedlal station Pullman huriei jurlur car lo lUMbarn cunoecllon forPutts Ill4tO I M dally exeent Sunday for SOUTHPIAIMUI MUI luunueduie nationJiil V M dally for fclbfON ami IntenutdlatestatonseliOt P II dally for IIUl FAI and oil uiiuUri ulliuau sleeper vmlbule trainNeur 5rk lu Ililtairii Ilk ter lu lluffalo and I sr un It auhliug soul liarrluluurthuDS I M dallv enel buudjy for UiU fllfill I Ktiiit luternieillali tiutlunUil > 0 IU dully fur ITIlAt IFSFVA KoCHETill tltli till KUUAIU rUIS an I all pointsWrt lUlluuuuun sleepers 1 lu Chlcaguuud lluflalo Chairtar ID I U illusbuurreTicket and Pullman anominii > tatlons al S33 263Ull aiul I uiliro SI 151 Fact Wllli L Sew lurk 1411 rullin sL 4CluUt St WHrijiU y ami llnmklrii Alines II kirnThe N I Iruufrrl IL w III call fur undo i baggageIrom tolel and residence Ihruu li iuit > tltuii New York and Boston All RailN S S II soul II U It aol I tuunectlututluiu Uraud l roltil btailuulease Uy Maruf DueVUIAM prlu4iiullI iiu1 Vurieder SSIPMIii 4 A Ii 4sw iiuiuulou Siul lruulience 3 usa l IIiulI3A SI PIes iouuioisawl lrcuira s 4 3cJI SIII I I IMA Ii i biTriwaiJairivvufiVirf B sti I NI 111 5 II S ste Until Miami ntfcUuur I 7 Dc l 31J UI 3 31 New Ixittdi 51141 PrutlUlUto U o I II3mI M it illluuulk etuis V anlN K u 00I ii4 Ul 3 M iirlOkdrM feliil oneler 10 ou l M6 out P M III lot 1 rjpliwiieiil H irirtrr a ISA MIV II I SI N u 1 11 tilUMUll 1 ruVlUjrlMM 4 OUA uHuiSlalI > Imliug buulat4ht huflliiultetI alhiusthur cars tare 7 lacluthu irbe at Sectj turu Mrrvk Miu kour and ty urn tTWvu4li tialo aua U t > luf cart tit eacCPennsylvaniaIs RAILROADSTATIONS not ol Diibroutt anH CirtlanJt 311In rfleet November 1ft loot0110 A SI FACT llNl iurllr ill ti IiilAIuutgh10150 A u IENNSYIANt iiiIreinIulhms4Lli > irtinLiit8lrri > 1n 7 1tnln Miiokliiff ant Oherretl0ti tar AttIc hit Arn li I 1 M Clftftinl5ioo 5 W AIS1A S ilu A 31 hiiuIIanfljhi5 > 744 l1100 P M iniCAuo ART BT fntisptrnrsMllllltuln stcrplnn ntul IHnlnRCftMlnM Ixiul Loutssill niil ltsgtl Arrivu itcliutustt I Ii 1 A tPt I 01115 7 1 II rluieseo 7 I NflK01 > M W18TFHS IXIHfsa tiiliman Sheenhull alit tIming 11 Clics5i and Irrpiand Aktine Irolan I II I I S3 A M Chlcannpi i M ni > iniartt40 I M SOUTllVVFSrKltN HXIUlJiHl > iinu3M f plim mil liliihu Arrives Cincinnati 0 P M Indianapolis to 13 r illBf nulu I 7 A M neronil loomIngBtnniM PVCIHO r Mlllv Pullmi > n Meeplniear to riinliurijli onnrcts i for t hlcaio daily anlClevelind soul Trutel loel ent SrttitrdarW1HIIINI1TIIN A tin ThIN SOUTh8 Bun w mi I Hi I I I II lImIng t lee II I A M VHuts I I 91Congressional Llmlint nil Parlor and Dining Carsi8 itOJiinlnrCiri4 fltluingtsrt 5 tINning LarJ11 V Jl lilIA flIght snntlny 4311 II i A M tauSConon nlnnnl Llniltrd nil Inrlornnd Pining Cars825 iTlDlnlngCar 4 iloo Dlnlnn Car M P if IDlJBOtftIIFnX HAtlAVAY FXIIIEV 1i80 P M dailyiIcrprs to Augusta lftksnvlilp and Tamps 4 alP ildnllr SUeper to Hot Hprliivs MemnhlJ anflNiwUrleanit It IS night italljr Sleeper to liOnSKtmierr ttnil Ja k ATLANTIC COAST UNr 0 00 A M dally Sleepersto TaInt at AUKiitlne Macon Charleston 9 P I itdnhiy KlrriM rN to Tnntpa ami ItichmomtCHrHAlIAKK AND OHIO 11AIIUA MpreM B 04PMilallr Throuitli > lleeptnue and Ilinlule tarsFOIl 01 1 POINT CUMMlltl AND NOIlrUI tlaCaMt hnrlin Hotile HA3I week days and with ThrouisBleeixr N P M itsllrFoil ATlUNTIO CITV AND CAPK MAY IOO P I Kweek days Through Ilulfet Parlor Car to AtlantISFor Ixinir Branch Anbury Park Ocean Ororn an4Point Pleasant 9I0 Ah1 lililo in in OilO andII 30 P > t week days Hiimlas except AsburiPark and ireun leave 04iA M ft ISP MI Sit PIIILA IEiIJllAe 90 7 SO H 480 11 tl UU 110 t Penn Imlted I IflllODining Car II AM 11 1 iliIO H 8 VO tblnlnsCan 4 4 110 Dining Car 3 Dining Car n 7 60119 PM I IDilfi night Humlny OilO N 811 9 5ll510 Limited 10AM 8 Dlnlmr Car 11 tlO miningcr3 4 4 HO Dining Car 0 Dining Car 07143t 0U I II 15117 nIghtTlcketOfflcM No 481 till 110ft 1181 Ill andIf 81 nrnadway 1 Astor House aud foot of Desbrossesand orilanut sis 4 Court St rini Pulton st 88Hronlwav and Brooklyn Ann x station foot of Fulton st flrookhmi Station Jersey CIty The NewYork Transfer Company n lit call for and check taggage from hotel and rcildences through to destltuvion 8 51 PRFVOST J R WOODGeneral Manager Oeneral Passr AgentDEI AW A UK IACKAWANNA ANKISTKHN II ItStation I ffr > orb Shot or narelfir aa4hrlnlnnlier nisiVEHTinirir TH vi PET CAlLS 1INTHCII 1IU1ITDirect route to Newark Ilbiomfleld Montclalr theOranges Summit Dernardvllle Basking RidgeMadlnon Ilorrlstown Iaxak Paterson lloontonDover Rtnnhope Iludds Lake I lAS llopatcongHackettHlown Hchooley Mountain Wathlngtna1hllllpKburg Easton Water nap Btroudsburg Iokono Mountain Hcrauton Plluton VMIkesluirreNantlcoke Danville Northumberland MontroseIilnithamlon Oxford Norwich atcrvllle UtlcaItlchfleld Hprlng Cortland Ayracuse OswegovIthaca OWCKO ElmlrA Corning llatb DansvilloIinffalo and all pointed est Northwest and Southwest7t stationsBiOO A 3r nuffalo Scranton Binghamton CtlcaKlchllilil Hprlngs Hvracue and Oswego Express1ullman buffet parlor car Connects at lluffalowith train for Chicago arriving at B 20 next mornInnliOO P M Scranton BInghamton and Elmira 5gprcM liiilman parlor camLtOO P MSeranton IVlikesbarre and Plyznontbllllunan ulurlor carsluDO 5 Mtliuily lhulrslui Vesiibuled ltmltetiExpress fur irranton Ilingiusunton Elmira ltuffaloluliitan buffet sie pliig car connects at IluffaloWltlu train for Chicagoarrlvlngal 111133 V31 uoxViilO P MDallyIturfaln Scranton Dlnghaov 5ton UtIca HyracuK and Owego Express PullmanliufTitslniwmTIekets and lullman accommodatIons at 75 Mostst soul 4251 llmosulwucy TIcket at Ferry Itationi 71and 512 Itroelwsy 753 Vt 125th ii 283 Columbusas New York i uiq ann 7211 r uiton sc ana 74 Broadwily Brooklyn Time tables citing full Informationat nil StIltiOtIgW e tcott Express Company will call for and checkbaggage from hotel or renldence to tlnallonERIE LINES1 I nroiiKh train Our Chicago and the u wit leave NowYork fool nf ChamlMrssI dally as follows and fiveminute earlier from West ttid sLui I n A MVstIlule Express for Waverly flIngSi L J baniton 11 in Ira lluffalo Uradford and Salamanca Parlor car to Iluffalo8OH1 MVstlluulo limited Solid train for43UU Chicago MaLhautaunun Lake arrives Cleveland H 43 A M hlcngu 7 P M Sleeper to ChicagoCleveland antI Llmlnuatl LlnleearfJOfl P Ulluffulo VeMiuTe Express arrivesIIOU lluffanx A M making direct connection forDetroit Chicago and the V et Puffalo passengerran remln In I sleeper until H A M8AZ I M VIa Chautauiua iJike and NiagarareD rail Kolld Iruln to culeaco bleepers toBuffalo ChIcago ati ineunnati DintngcarfpILKbTS AND PtILMAN ACCOMMODATIONS ATJLZHI 401 and U37 Iiroidway 160 Vast lV3th stChambers and West XSd st ferric New York 8381ultou su Ilrooklyn MO lludum st llohokeu andJersey Ity sutlon Erie Transfer Company culls forand check baggage from hotels and residences todestinationBALTIMORE t OHIO It Iitact Hxpreu Trains ToBALTIMORE WASHINGTON CHICAGO CINCINNATI ST LOUIS AND ALL POINTS WESTPULLAM CAR KHlVICh ON ALL TRAINSLeave Sew York foot of liberty st dallyCHICAGO 1 Hll I 31 and I i15 nighPITTMitltilll 1 JOP 31 and lJItu nIghttlSINNTl HT LOUIs V 00 A > L n 10 P MWA plnlnitCarll ID 380 1 M ex Sun 1700 P iLbloliM Lur H no P M l2l5tilght All trains rue dallyexcept 3311 i P MKr SOKH1LK II30 A M dally 1 30 P IL ex SanNEW OlLIEAN lloanoke llrlstol and Chattanoogathrough Pullman Sii eper a 00 P M dallvTicket nnictt 171 xul 413 1140 Broadway 81East 14th st U7 flowery New York ai4 Fulton stllruoklin htallon foot of Jberty st C R R of N JNew York Transfer Co will call for and check bargage from hotel or residence to destinationOcean tcnmtrA CRUISE TO THE UEDITFRRANEAK Br 5lI11 dally chartered steamer > RlFtLO > U r > bT1MU3 vIsiting IKnnuJ Azores Gibraltar MalagaGranada Alhambra Algiers Cairo seven days alJerusalem Uevrout Fpheus Constantinople AthenaRome Only 5725 hotels excurilon fees Ac Included Organized and accompanied by F O ClarkUnited btatea ViceConsul at Jerusalem and a stallof competent assistantsThirty excursions to Europe Ocean tickets byaBlines bend for Tourist UatetteF O CLARK Tourist AgentIii Broadway 7 Y SOfficial Ticket Agent Pennylvanla Erie It ii AcflUXAKP LINE TO LIVERPOOL VIAQUEaMaTUWMI ueanIaCect9 a 80AJ1 ITmbrla S Jan 19 1 PKEtrurlaJan fi noonLuctnla Jan UO 080 AXLtamianla Jan II o A > Li14 om Pier 40 North River foot of Clsrkson stVEItNON II UIIUWN ACO lenl Anla4 IhiwIlngOreeaIdleriiKllonal Navigation CompmsiTB LlaeoIroni Pier 14 Norm River foot uf rulion SLAmerican Llaa for MontbumptonShortest and mot convenient route lu LondonNo transfer by tender No tidal delaraBerlin Deo 54 11A MSewYork I Jan 5 11 SLlied Star JUIne for Autwerp 3rtsland Dec 40 SA M 1 ennunl JanS8AKIa > tem tlonil NitTlBMtlosi CommmMlBlhiwliugureen New YorkTORTl1 OEIIMAM LLOYD B 8 CO5i BUORT ittitiTE It LONDON AND CONTWEIrTlAitY EXIltFSll 14YNAMEItSEms ThursJsn 3 10 AM Hbe TuesJan IB 9 AJLIloheoollernJau HnAM FuldaTueaJanVJAATlbuLI Illciis A CO S Howling lArsenOLD DOMINION LINEhteamers foe NORtOI PORTSMOUTH OLDPOINT COMHIRT aol MWPOHT NFW8 VIlloiNIAIIEUll PrTKRSIItRO and RICHMOND VA andAHIIINUTOS I lion Tue Ued Thur andhat For RICHMOM via JAMts ItlVJ RMon Wedand Pat File Wlsr IMINT VA Tues Thurs anhat It rum Pier Kit N R flsut lleach st at H P 311 Ibaturdur 4 P M Through tli kets and freight ratesto all iMiluti W U I OllLLAl DtUTraRlo ManaiierMinn 41tfl LINEBRITANNIC KVi lire l 41 HAlAJEitTt Vi S2SJ Jai V 5 i itNO tuiTioN CARRIED UY PiVirMiFII hflAMFRaltecnul cabin accommodation ofi tbeM fctt msra fjUaiilllu Hic riwe from New York HrltaunM jand AIrlustlclO uu laJclisi alit ITeul mlc 513 pre > epalul tickets SISuntie ItUUruadwar or on hue wharf rot of Weal0th al II HAITI VM KUlshV AgenttrUlIb0ilt55 T IIDrtTIIV KS TO OhiCFMTE35Iteilui Hun ui 4 Ali 1iiint 5jt autO NormVIA NORWICH LINEKlemmrcin I ill UlUrll tec i uiul CITY OrUl HI K1lTr III iniiiii > lun Lease pier old nuufUn 40 N R next ikbruM l > it wiek days onlyOJUPU A tIll 5l1tut5slf4 m > eMIl ieainerALBANY BOATSEOhlLH 11 7t > leaiiierlIILV aud DEAN RICHJiIND Iran lter41 N It fot Canal II B P 1 M sIlly HubilaysnrrIlsl iIreit sIntsotiou Whit ltalas Sot poIntsburtll Nuist aol ss estrAil ItIVEII IINI yAUKiittKuvit0eiul > M to UKIUII lot Ulnlteilllikil lulu id rulesio sit point lluPL I llLTIl slid Ill4iltlSt I lu cornlulslo l A line ulrsllvstra on rsci U ve IUrVn toil IjiuiuUr K U foot Of Murray ct veek djy only alTROY BOATSITS OK 1115 i ir daIly elusIt XiturUi it p I M tu il n iuutrluuueal XlUiu ThUs t Xfl IthUiX CI ItESK I 11 I siJf HUN I s lb i tixr i Kir Iot I K I > > et > ICS ut 4P I M Ii iir l dioi uf w i i IIu i 1461 Illiilwill Nlttl Jblvlc 1 gIlS II 11 11 IU A MM Ml I 1M bliaiiur uriS 4 ci 43 N ItI 4 tot t eatut iii > l fur i 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